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The Village of Tasburgh


Welcome to the website of 

Tasburgh Parish Council 

We do hope you find your visit helpful and that you call back regularly as the contents are often updated. If you have any comments or suggestions (good or bad!) do please let us know using the contact information below. 

Welcome Pack for new residents  (page under construction) 

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Contact us via the Parish Clerk
Tina Eagle 
01508 494569
Please note that the Parish Clerk works part-time and every effort will be made to respond to the preferred communication method for email enquiries within 3 working days.




                                      CLICK HERE for more details 

tasburgh neighbourhood plan logo

What We Do

The Parish Council is responsible for:


​Burrfeld Park

The Allotments

Children's  play area

Bus Shelters

Commenting on planning applications

Tasburgh war memorial maintenance

Village signs & notice boards

Dog & Grit Bins

General maintenance around the village

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