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Tasburgh United Charities

Tasburgh United Charities have a certain amount of money available each year to use in assisting residents of the Parish who, regardless of age and for whatever reason, find themselves in need of financial help. 


We  know that in these very difficult times, many of you will be facing great uncertainty as to your futures, and may therefore be experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties beyond your control.  We are only a small charity and have only limited funds, but we would like to stress that we are here for ALL residents of Tasburgh.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you do find yourself in need of help, as that is the reason the Charities exist.  


Assistance can be given by a outright grant towards general expenses, by contribution towards a particular expense, a temporary loan or by purchases of equipment for use.  


We also give distributions to residents over the age of 18 who are in full-time education.  If you are heading off to university, even if you may be living at home or studying online to begin with, we can help towards the purchase of books and other equipment you may need.


If  you would like assistance, or to be considered for a distribution, please contact one of the trustees below.   All applications are considered in the strictest confidence.  


Mrs Jill Casson  01508 470334

Mr Keith Read  01508 470229

Mr Geoff Merchant  01508 470606

Mr Roger Burnett 01508 471031 

Application form


Completed application forms can be forwarded to any of the Trustees as named below.  All applications are considered in the strictest confidence.


Application Form 

Student Application Form 


Geoff Merchant


Jill Casson


Keith Read



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